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Tip of the Week – Helping People – Jan 6/25

Helping People:  There are lots of ways that we help each other – building fences or sheds, helping with renovations, moving, cooking, cleaning, driving people around, looking after kids, doing errands, throughout the years – all sorts of things. 

We help others, others help us, it’s kind of a life cycle. 

What I find very interesting though in the process is how some people have the expectation of others helping them with absolutely no gratitude for those that are sacrificing their time, effort and energy. 

It doesn’t take much to show appreciation – a few words of thanks, a hug, a smile, but it seems like that is so hard for some to notice that that is what they should be doing. It makes all the difference in the world for those people that are willing to help to be appreciated, it makes it worth the sacrifice, time and effort. 

If there isn’t appreciation for what others have done, it can start to cause some resentment and hurt feelings for those who are doing the helping and create problems within the relationship. 

If someone is helping you, let them know how much it means to you. 

If you are helping someone, let them know that it would mean a lot if they appreciated what you were doing.  Having those conversations aren’t easy, but it is worth having the conversation instead of harboring negative thoughts or feelings and having a relationship ruined. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do you help others? 

Do others help you? 

Have you sacrificed things in order for others to have what they need? 

Were you appreciated? 

Do you show appreciation? 

Did you stop helping people because of lack of appreciation? 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com