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This was originally posted as a Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS on May 29/23.

We felt the need to take it one step further and add it to the Important Information tab to be read anytime without going looking for it in a post as many would not necessarily see it there.

Now that we have discussed a few different topics around this subject, let’s talk about the subject itself. Death.

This is a subject that many people do not want to think about or talk about with others.

Recognize that at some point in our lives, this is actually going to happen to all of us and we never know when our time is up.

Come to terms with this and make your peace – it will make it much better for yourself and others.

Make a list of things that you should look into and take care of and then one by one complete it and strike it off your list.

Doing the necessary steps, will also assist in making your peace with whatever happens, as you will be in control of the necessary decisions.

Also, recognize that death can create many different emotions in others and can cause many family issues and discord.

When you make the necessary decisions, it puts less stress on those left behind and allows them to know and respect your wishes, while it gives them their time to grieve without having to make tough decisions during their most emotional time.

By you making your decisions and discussing it openly with your loved ones, it may even assist in the way your family deals with your death.

It may create a much better environment for your family and create an atmosphere of closeness and unity instead of the fighting and division that happens too often.

Many families end up dividing and losing relationships over death instead of becoming closer and enjoying the memories together.

Questions to Ponder:

How do you view death?

How do you talk about death?

What steps have you taken into account?

Will doing the necessary steps help you and your loved ones?