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Please fill out the below form for Phase 1 in the application process.

Once you fill out the application form online, a full application form - Phase 2 - will be emailed or mailed to you based on the information provided on this form.

Phase 3 will be a phone conversation to review the full application form for confirmation of details.

Phase 4 - Approval Process based on the information provided by the previous Phases.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service!

Important Note

As we are in the beginning phases of this organization, we are currently seeking Sponsors - the first money collected will go into obtaining Registered Charity status to provide Official Tax receipts which is more attractive to Sponsors.

It is important for us to be open and upfront about where we are at currently.

This should not deter applicants, as applicants will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.

If an applicant has a family member or loved one already assisting them financially, but they want to go through the organization to obtain tax receipts, they will get top priority, as the finances will already be in place.

We thank you for our patience and understanding. We appreciate your furthering our cause by spreading the news about our organization!