Important Note

Important Notes

Sponsor A Senior started out as a dream on April 3, 2023 and became a reality on May 8, 2023, when we launched the website!

We are under construction and will be a work in progress for a long time to come as we accumulate more information and resources. Please have patience with us as we work through this process.

If you have any information that you feel would be beneficial to add to this website or you would like to volunteer – please email us the information at

Important Note #1

We can help the people who are currently Seniors, but we have a much bigger picture in mind.

Throughout the process that was described in About Us, I was obviously affected by my parent's experience and the information we were finding out but what really got me thinking even more was the people of my generation - I'm almost 50.  A lot of the people in previous generations had pension options provided through their companies.  It is not as prevalent anymore.

What will my generation do when they come of age and need these services?  They will even have less income...

A majority of the people I talked to about this have nothing set aside for the future and will only have what the government provides.

We are looking at this as a long term solution for generations to come!

Our hope is that this cause brings more awareness to individuals and couples of all ages about the importance of saving for retirement along with giving employers the opportunity to think about providing a pension plan for their employees.

Important Note #2

As we are in the beginning phases of this organization, we are currently seeking Sponsors - the first money collected will go into obtaining Registered Charity status to provide Official Tax receipts which is more attractive to Sponsors.

It is important for us to be open and upfront about where we are at currently.

This should not deter applicants, as applicants will be taken on a first come, first serve basis.

If an applicant has a family member or loved one already assisting them financially, but they want to go through the organization to obtain tax receipts, they will get top priority, as the finances will already be in place.

We thank you for our patience and understanding. We appreciate your furthering our cause by spreading the news about our organization!